League of Legends | WORLD23
League of Legends | WORLD23
WORLD23 is The tournament will be held in South Korea. For this project, I worked under Massive Assembly.
I helped the team to create a brand new look for 2023 Season World Championship (Worlds 2023).
The design and animation below is the early/middle stage of development. Check the reel below! It is the final direction.
Design / Animation / Art Direction
League of Legends | WORLD23
WORLD23 is esport's largest tournament and held this year in South Korea. For this project, I worked under Massive Assembly. I helped the team create a brand new look for 2023 Season World Championship (Worlds 2023). The design and animation below is the early/middle stage of the project's development. I was part of this stage.Check the reel below! The final direction in the reel is made with love from the Massive Assembly team.
Design / Animation

See a full credit here.
*The design and animation above is the early/middle stage of the project's development. I was only part of this stage.
Check the reel above! The final direction in the reel is made with love from the Massive Assembly team. See a full credit here.