Telly Awards 45th
Designer & Animator
Champ Panupong Techawongthawon
Shining a spotlight on @pleasecallmechamp, the designer of new look for the 45th season of the Telly Awards! ✨💫
Champ brought this season's theme, "Beyond the Frame," to life with vibrant shapes intersecting each other and spiraling out of frame.
Speaking to how he conceived this design, he said, "I thought of imagination being outside of the boxes. So all of the elements I designed derived from that idea. Everything breaking out of the frames but still in sync and working with one another. Just letting the imaginations run wild."
Originally from Thailand and currently based in Los Angeles, Champ is a freelance motion designer. Learn more about his work here 👉 @pleasecallmechamp
and here 👉 pleasecallmechamp.com/
Telly Awards 45th
Shining a spotlight on @pleasecallmechamp, the designer of new look for the 45th season of the Telly Awards! ✨💫
Champ brought this season's theme, "Beyond the Frame," to life with vibrant shapes intersecting each other and spiraling out of frame. Speaking to how he conceived this design, he said, "I thought of imagination being outside of the boxes. So all of the elements I designed derived from that idea. Everything breaking out of the frames but still in sync and working with one another. Just letting the imaginations run wild."
Design / Animation / Art Direction

Telly Awards
Please Call Me Champ Studio Inc.
+Art Direction
Champ Panupong Techawongthawon
+Design & Animation
Champ Panupong Techawongthawon